The Allowance Talk

After you have your first date behind you, the lines for allowance instantly open. You can talk on the second date, third, or fourth if you want to wait that long, but I advise you get the allowance talk out of the way pretty soon after the first meeting. There are several things that go into deciding how much YOU will expect out of a relationship:

  • How many meets per month
  • Platonic -vs- Sexual Relationship
  • Exclusive -vs- Non-Exclusive
  • How much time and emotional commitment does he expect
  • How will you get your money? Monthly Allowance? Weekly Allowance?

There are many different things that go into deciding your price range. For me, I know my prices and I DO NOT NEGOTIATE. I refuse. By this I mean that once I know all of the details of our arrangement, I get a price in my head and I will not take any lower than that. However, there are sugar babies that are okay with negotiating and we will go over that.

1. How to bring up an allowance – Most girls are torn on how to do this or they believe that the woman shouldn’t bring up the money aspect, but you have to realize that these men EXPECT this. And the last thing you need is to be waiting a month for a man to start offering an allowance. Bring it up very simply.

– “Now that we have had a chance to talk about our arrangement, lets talk about my allowance.”

– “So how much are you looking to spend on a sugar baby?”

– “Are you ready to discuss an allowance?”

“Would you mind telling me the allowance of your previous sugar baby?”

Literally anything will work to get the ball rolling. *Remember never to be alone with a POT or SD before you have gotten an allowance. If they aren’t going to pay up before play time why the hell would they pay up after??*

2. Never offer an amount first – Always let him make the offer first. What if you have 2K set in your head and he says 3K? You just made a thousand dollars! BAM! This also gives you the opportunity to see where his price range truly is. If he asks you what you are expecting first, just flip the question on him:

“So how much are you expecting from a sugar daddy?”

“Well that depends, how much are you looking to spend?” (with a sly cute smile or a wink face via text)

Every occasionally you will find a POT that practically refuses to name a price. In this situation, you just need a tasteful response that makes it clear to him that you have made up your mind. Don’t let yourself be easily pushed around or put in a situation where you feel your back is against the wall. Try saying something along the lines of-

“I’m not really comfortable with quoting a price. I think that a man should take the lead when it comes to financial matters.”

That usually puts the ball back in their court permanently. Keep in mind, these men are successful and rich for a reason. They are smart and careful with their finances. A sugar daddy doesn’t become rich and powerful without knowing how to negotiate.

3. Aim high – When he makes an offer, he is going to low-ball you. 2K a month might sound like a lot to you, but that is most likely chump change to a real SD. So come back at least another 1K higher, maybe even more. At the worst he will just try to meet you in the middle. 

4. If he doesn’t agree to your terms – End things politely. Even if he tries to fuck you with some 1K for 6-8 meets a month crap, be nice because you never can tell when he could come crawling back. If he is just bluffing to see if you will bite and you walk away then he will know you are serious.

Once again, be aware of your situation and don’t allow yourself to fall for the scam of having to sexually “audition” for a POT before an allowance is in place. He does not need a test run or private time to see if you “click”. Don’t let yourself be impressed with stories of how many houses, boats and cars they own to get you in bed.

There is a blog called the Escort Lover that also gives REALLY good advise how to step-by-step allowance negotiation, you can check that out here.

About the author
ogeron ybebe

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