What Is A Sugar Baby?

A Sugar Baby is usually a girl (can also be a boy sometimes know as Sugar Pups) that dates or goes out with an older wealthy man for a set allowance, gifts, or travel. Many of the women who are Sugar Babies tend to sugar to get college loans paid off, to experience things she normally wouldn’t- such as going to other countries or to get connections in her future line of business, some just want her bills paid without having to work. Hey- we all have our reasons. A Sugar Baby is not an escort, but is very similar in many ways. Some Sugar Babies have sex with their Sugar Daddy however that is not the only aspect in a SD/SB relationship. There are also many SB’s that never have sex with their SD’s.

What do I need to know about a Sugar Relationships before going down this road?

There are several things I would consider before jumping into the Sugar Bowl. This can be a dangerous job (YES I SAID JOB!). I do not suggest you attempt anything to do with sugaring until you have done a significant amount of research first. Google, read Tumblr blogs, talk to other Sugar Baby’s, and educate yourself about what the Sugar Bowl is like. Realize that this lifestyle is not for everyone! You have to have a think skin, you have to be tough, you have to be smart, you have to be persistent and you have to be patient! Becoming a successful Sugar Baby over night doesn’t happen. It is a lot of work. It takes time, effort, spamming, hours at a time. Being a Sugar Baby is not a means to fast money. Do not expect a payout over night. Become Prepared!

1.) A Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy relationship is similar to a normal relationship – A Sugar Daddy is not an ATM, if you treat him like one you will be treated as a sex toy. Sugar Daddy’s begin to look for a Sugar Baby for many reasons, not just for sex. These men are looking for someone to talk to, some one to confide in, someone for them to have. Sometimes this means you will have to talk to them on the phone or text frequently. You have to become their Dream Girlfriend. You are their dream, their fantasy, the one person they can talk to when they can’t talk to anyone else. You are upbeat and all in all of the time, you do not have bad days, you do not get tired, and you do not say no. You have two emotions, happy and horny and that is it. You are signing up for more than a nice dinner and a thousand dollars.

2. Platonic -vs- Sexual Relationships – There are Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy relationships that have no sex involved, this is called a platonic relationship. These are HARD to find. Do not expect to find this type of relationship fast or easy. You also will most likely not make as much money compared to a Sugar Baby who is willing to sleep with her Sugar Daddy. When you are in a sexual relationship you have to work very hard to always be safe and careful. I suggest checking out my other page on staying safe while sugaring before letting yourself be alone with any man.

3. Be ready to be judged – If you want to become a Sugar Baby then you better get a thick skin and fast. If you tell people you are a Sugar Baby or looking into being a Sugar Baby there is a good chance your friends and family won’t agree. That is just how things go. When you go out in public with a Sugar Daddy you will ALWAYS get stared at. People will look at you and wonder why you are with him, they will point, giggle, make snide comments within ear shot. You ignore it and make your Sugar Daddy happy. If you do decide to tell people you are a Sugar Baby, then you have to be prepared for it to come back and bite you in the ass. If you get a job opportunity down the road, your decision of being a Sugar Baby could come back on you. Think long and hard before deciding to tell anyone!

4. You are not going to be dating Johnny Depp – When I say a Sugar Baby is a young girl dating an OLDER man, I’m not being funny. These men are 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and OLDER! That is just how it is. If a man is super hot, extremely wealthy, nice, sweet, blah blah blah would he be having to pay for your time? No… So realize these men are not always handsome or even pleasant to look at. Sure there are young Sugar Daddy’s, but your success rate is going to lower with their age. When it comes down to it,